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Age & Ability

The classes throughout the school mostly consist of a mix of  2 year groups. Pupils move up through the school based on a number of factors including their academic ability, their social and personal maturity level and their previous school experiences. Due to the small scale nature of the school and the free interaction of all classes with one another, pupils generally do not mind what class they are in, as long as their class is appropriate to their abilities.


This also helps create a unique social atmosphere at our school whereby pupils from different classes freely mix and socialise with one another. There is no rivalry between different age groups and so each day you can observe pupils across numerous age groups playing games with one another or just hanging out together.


The school has six classes in total. Depending on the particular mix of age groups each year the school has either 3 Primary classes and 2 Secondary or, alternatively, 2 Primary and 3 Secondary.


To ensure that all pupils are receiving an appropriate level of education and are being sufficiently challenged the school has adopted a number of approaches:

  • Inclusive Discussions - As most lessons are ‘whole class’ discussion based, the teacher is able to ensure that all pupils are involved.


  • Group Activities - The teacher carefully chooses each group for class activities to ensure that each pupil is engaged at an appropriate level.


  • Individual Activities & Tuition - As a small school we have the time to assist each child and help them reach their full potential.


  • Formative Assessment - By consistently monitoring pupils through observation, assessment and individual tuition, each teacher is able to identify the appropriate level of homework and give any extra support.


  • Ability Appropriate Levels of Homework - The more able pupils may be given higher levels of homework to ensure that they are being challenged. There is a high level of expectation with regard to their work. All pupils are given age appropriate homework with the expectation level based on their particular age and ability. All pupils are encouraged to believe that they can academically progress at a steady and consistent rate.


  • Role Models & Mentors - Older pupils are encouraged to help and mentor younger pupils. This gives them a strong sense of responsibility, as well as helping them to embed their own knowledge. The younger pupil has the benefit of older role models whom they can look up to and learn from. We try to ensure that each child throughout their time with us experiences the benefits of being both an older and younger member of a class.

'This school works hard to include everyone equally. Pupils have a very well-developed awareness of the importance of equality. They treat everyone with respect. One parent described the impact of the school’s approach to their child, who has anxiety and SEN. She said that her child is now happy and enjoys school after many negative experiences in other schools. ' 


Ofsted Report, June 2018

Also See

The New Forest Small School

1, Southampton Road, Lyndhurst,


SO43 7BU

023 80 284415


©2024 by The New Forest Small School

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