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School Fees & Admissions

Sibling Discounts apply as follows:

2nd child = 10%

3rd child = 15%

4th child = 20%


The school is pleased to offer 15 hours per week free education for all 3-5 year olds under the Early Years Education scheme – Universal Entitlement.


Please note that if your 2nd child receives EYE funding they will not also be eligible for the sibling discount.


Parents can also now apply for 30 hours a week free education through HMRC – Extended Entitlement. Should you meet the criteria, you will be given an 11 digit code and will be able to use the entitlement in more than one setting if necessary.


In Kindergarten, children can be dropped off at half hour intervals between 9.30am and 1.00pm and picked up at half hour intervals between Noon and 3.30pm. Sessions must be a minimum of 2.5 hours.


The school also receives Early Years Pupil Premium funding for eligible children. ( This additional funding is used to support the individual child within school. Decisions on this are made in consultation with parents and any other involved services. Details of the spending are tracked and recorded, to monitor the impact on the child’s learning.


If your child attends part time (kindergarten and primary classes only), divide the appropriate payment by 5 and multiply by amount of days per week your child will be attending.


If you wish to pay on monthly basis you will need to make the following payments - 


Autumn Term Payment =

4 monthly payments on the 1st of September, October, November and December.


Spring Term Payment =

4 monthly payments on the 1st of January, February, March and April.


Summer Term =

4 monthly payments on the 1st of May, June, July and August.


School Fees are non-refundable. We regret that there can be no reduction due to illness or holidays during school terms as you are paying for the place for your child.


Notice to leave must be given in writing at least 1 full term in advance. Failure to so will result in you being liable for a full terms fees. Please see Registration Form.


Payments may be made by BACS or standing order. Please ensure that you always pay on time. We strive to keep school fees to a minimum to try to keep our school as accessible as possible. This is only possible if we receive payments on time. 


Admissions Procedure


After you and your child/children have made an initial visit to the school, they will be invited to attend some taster sessions, which are usually based on the number of days per week they would attend if a place was offered. If a place can then be offered, you will be given a registration form to complete as soon as possible, and you will need to pay the non-refundable registration fee of £100.


For full-time places the following refundable deposit is required.


Primary Classes = £3,440

Secondary Classes = £4,160


The first school fees payment will be due once your child starts attending school, with subsequent monthly payments to be made on the first day of each month by standing order or cash.​


For further information please see our Admissions Policy.

Also See

The New Forest Small School

1, Southampton Road, Lyndhurst,


SO43 7BU

023 80 284415


©2024 by The New Forest Small School

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