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Kindergarten Assessment Procedures

The Kindergarten has a maximum of 14 children at any one time and averages 20 children in total, which allows staff to get to know children and parents particularly well. Staff feedback to parents verbally each session and via email if more appropriate.


However, in line with statutory requirements, we also offer a key worker system in Kindergarten. A key worker is responsible for your child’s emotional, social and physical needs when at school. They will update ‘Tapestry’ (our online learning journal tool) with photographs and news of activities and invite a progress chat each half term.


Staff meet together regularly to observe, assess and plan ahead. ‘Tapestry’ is used to record Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) progress and keep parents informed. We use this as a valuable and yet informal link between home and school.

Inspired by the success of extended Kindergartens (to 7 years) elsewhere in Europe, we similarly extend the EYFS assessments to 6 years plus, allowing children to mature in their own time, with loving encouragement. Where statutory school age children attend on a part-time basis their parents are advised regarding the lessons that their child will not receive at school. 


At the end of the child’s Reception year, the year in which they turn 5, it is a statutory requirement that an Early Years Profile (report) is given to the parents as a record of the child’s progress. The data from this report is also given to Hampshire County Council.


For more details please see our Assessment Procedures.

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The New Forest Small School

1, Southampton Road, Lyndhurst,


SO43 7BU

023 80 284415


©2024 by The New Forest Small School

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